n 技能验证与专业成长:Java认证是对一个人Java编程技能和知识的官方认可。这不仅验证了你的技能,而且通过学习和准备考 试的过程,你能够加深对Java的理解和掌握最新技术。
n 增强就业竞争力:在求职过程中,Java认证可以作为你专业能力的一个亮点。许多雇主看重这种认证,因为它表明了你对专业 发展的承诺和对Java领域的深入了解。
n 提升职业地位:持有Java认证的专业人员通常在同行中享有更高的职业地位。这种认证可以帮助你在团队中树立权威,提升你 的影响力。
n 薪酬增长潜力:调查显示,拥有专业认证的IT专业人员往往能获得更高的薪资。Java认证可以作为薪酬谈判的一个有力依据。
n 持续学习与更新:Java技术不断发展,认证的过程迫使专业人员不断学习和更新自己的知识库,这对职业发展至关重要。
n 个人成就感:获得Java认证本身就是一个成就,它反映了你对自己职业生涯的投入和对专业知识的掌握。
n 认证名称:Java SE 11 Developer Certification (1Z0-819)
n 认证描述: 持有此认证的考生已表现出在 Java(标准版)软件开发方面的熟练程度,并受到全球各行业的 认可。 他们还展示了对 Java 编程语言、编码实践以及 Java SE 11 中新功能的利用的透彻而广泛的知识。 通过所需的考试,认证人员证明了 Java SE 的流利程度以及所需的宝贵专业技能的掌握 成为一名 Java 软 件开发人员。 这包括对面向对象、通过 lambda 表达式和流进行函数式编程以及模块化的深入理解。
n 认证链接: Java SE 11 Developer (Also available in CHS for Taiwan) 1Z0-819
n Format: Multiple Choice • Duration: 90 Minutes • ExamPrice:¥1,671 • Number of Questions: 50 • Passing Score: 68% • Validation: Exam has been validated for product version Java 11
n Working with Java data types • Use primitives and wrapper classes, including, operators, parentheses, type promotion and casting • Handle text using String and StringBuilder classes • Use local variable type inference, including as lambda parameters
n Controlling Program Flow • Create and use loops, if/else, and switch statements
n Java Object-Oriented Approach • Declare and instantiate Java objects including nested class objects, and explain objects' lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection) • Define and use fields and methods, including instance, static and overloaded methods • Initialize objects and their members using instance and static initialiser statements and constructors • Understand variable scopes, apply encapsulation and make objects immutable • Create and use subclasses and superclasses, including abstract classes • Utilize polymorphism and casting to call methods, differentiate object type versus reference type • Create and use interfaces, identify functional interfaces, and utilize private, static, and default methods • Create and use enumerations
n Exception Handling • Handle exceptions using try/catch/finally clauses, try-with-resource, and multi-catch statements • Create and use custom exceptions
n Working with Arrays and Collections • Use generics, including wildcards • Use a Java array and List, Set, Map and Deque collections, including convenience methods • Sort collections and arrays using Comparator and Comparable interfaces
n Working with Streams and Lambda expressions • Implement functional interfaces using lambda expressions, including interfaces from the java.util.function package • se Java Streams to filter, transform and process data • Perform decomposition and reduction, including grouping and partitioning on sequential and parallel streams
n Java Platform Module System • Deploy and execute modular applications, including automatic modules • Declare, use, and expose modules, including the use of services
n Concurrency • Create worker threads using Runnable and Callable, and manage concurrency using an ExecutorService and java.util.concurrent API • Develop thread-safe code, using different locking mechanisms and java.util.concurrent API
n Java I/O API • Read and write console and file data using I/O Streams • Implement serialization and deserialization techniques on Java objects • Handle file system objects using java.nio.file API
n Secure Coding in Java SE Application • Develop code that mitigates security threats such as denial of service, code injection, input validation and ensure data integrity • Secure resource access including filesystems, manage policies and execute privileged code
n Database Applications with JDBC • Connect to and perform database SQL operations, process query results using JDBC API
n Localization • Implement Localization using Locale, resource bundles, and Java APIs to parse and format messages, dates, and numbers
n Annotations • Create, apply, and process annotations
n 课程名称:Become a Java SE 11 Developer
n 课程描述:该课程提供了超过 30 ⼩时的专家培训,⾯向具有⼀定编程经验的学⽣,是Java编程语⾔的综合培训, 完成本课程后,您应该能够掌握:描述⾯向对象的编程⽅法;解释 Java 语法和编码约定; 使⽤ Java 构造和运 算符;使⽤核⼼ Java API,例如 Collections、Streams、IO 和 Concurrency;部署 Java SE 应⽤程序。
n 课程内容:包视频括(中⽂字幕)、脚本、在线实验和指导⼿册
n 课程链接:Java SE 11 Developer
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