n 专业认可: 通过MySQL的认证,您能证明自己掌握了最新的数据库技术和最佳实践。
n 更多就业机会: 许多雇主更倾向于招聘有MySQL认证的候选人,因为这证明了他们具有当前和相关的技能。
n 薪酬提升: 拥有MySQL认证通常意味着您有资格获得更高的薪水。
n 职业发展: 认证可以为您打开更多的职业发展门路,包括高级和专业级别的职位。
n 个人成就感: 通过认证考试并非易事,成功通过会给您带来极大的成就感。
n 业务优势: 拥有专业认证的团队意味着您的业务拥有高度的专业技能,这可以作为与竞争对手区分开来的一个要点。
n 提高生产效率: 认证的工程师更熟悉MySQL的高级特性和最佳实践,这有助于提高整体生产效率。
n 风险降低: 认证的员工通常更懂得如何遵循安全准则,从而减少安全风险。
n 客户信任: 认证可以增加企业和客户之间的信任,因为它证明了企业拥有高度专业和经过认证的员工。
n 易于合规: 拥有专业知识和认证的员工可以更容易地遵守行业规范和法律要求。
n 人才吸引和保留: 提供认证培训和考试是一种吸引和保留顶级人才的好方法。
n 认证名称:MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator (1Z0-908)
n 认证描述:Oracle 认证专家、MySQL 8.0 数据库管理员证书承认考生具备 MySQL 架构所需的知识,并 具备安装和配置 MySQL 数据库的技能。 该认证表明专业人员具备监控、维护和保护 MySQL 数据库所需 的技能。 它还展示了专业人员对如何优化查询性能、实施备份和恢复策略以及实施高可用性技术的掌 握。
n 认证链接: MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator (Also available in CHS for Taiwan) 1Z0-908
n Format: Multiple Choice • Duration: 120 Minutes • ExamPrice:¥1,671 • Number of Questions: 73 • Passing Score: 62% • Validation: Exam has been validated for product version MySQL 8.0
n Architecture • Configure client connections to the server • Understand how MySQL stores data • Understand how InnoDB stores data and logs • Configure buffers and caches • Understand and use the Data Dictionary
n Server Installation and Configuration • Install and use the MySQL server and client programs • Identify the files and folders created during installation • Start and stop MySQL • Upgrade MySQL • Configure MySQL by using options and option files • Configure MySQL variables • Launch multiple MySQL servers on the same host
n Security • Create user accounts and roles • Use authentication plug-ins • Control user and role permissions • Recognize common security risks • Secure MySQL server connections • Provide password and login security • Secure the MySQL host environment • Prevent SQL injection attacks • Encrypt MySQL data • Configure MySQL Enterprise Firewall
n Monitoring and Maintenance • Configure and view MySQL log files • Monitor MySQL processes and status • Configure MySQL Enterprise Audit • Use MySQL Enterprise Monitor to view activity in MySQL • Monitor database growth and explain capacity planning • Troubleshoot problems with locked resources
n Query Optimization • Examine how MySQL optimizes queries • Analyze queries with MySQL Enterprise Monitor • Create indexes to improve server performance • Monitor and understand index statistics
n Backups and Recovery • Distinguish between the different types of backup • Implement a backup strategy • Backup and restore data with MySQL Enterprise Backup • Use mysqldump and mysqlpump to perform logical backups • Explain when and how to use raw file backups • Back up the binary log
n High Availability Techniques • Explain how replication provides high availability and scalability • Configure replication • Explain the role of the binary log in replication • Configure multisource replication • Explain the role of replication threads • Monitor and troubleshoot replication • Describe MySQL InnoDB cluster and Group Replication • Configure a MySQL InnoDB cluster • Perform an InnoDB cluster recovery
n 课程名称:Become A Oracle MySQL 8.0 Database Admin Professional
n 课程描述:该课程提供了超过 18 ⼩时的专家培训,了解如何安装、配置、监控和保 护您的 MySQL 8.0 基础设施。 创建有效的备份策略和复制拓扑,创建 InnoDB 集群, 并优化服务器和集群性能。
n 课程内容:包视频括(中⽂字幕)、脚本、在线实验和指导⼿册
n 课程链接:Earn the MySQL 8.0 Database Admin Certified Professional Credential
MySQL- 目标岗位
MySQL数据库管理员(DBA) MySQL开发人员 数据架构师/数据库设计师 数据仓库工程师 技术支持和咨询